Do You Know Where You're Going?

January 2023
Do you know where you are going this year? Where will you be one year from now? Where do you want to be? I think of the times that I moved from one house to another. It was a real chore and I did not enjoy packing, lifting, and the general disturbance to my life. The most difficult thing for me was to sort and make the decision of what to throw away.
We are packing up and moving into a new year. What do you want to get rid of, throw away, and not take with you into the next year? Sickness, worry, anxiety and financial shortage are throwaways. But what about attitudes? Limiting beliefs?
If you want to be in a different place this time next year, you have to locate a new place, pack up and move. The word that God spoke to Joshua gives us powerful principles on successfully moving into a GOOD PLACE in our lives:
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on] it day and night, so that you may be careful to do [everything] in accordance with all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will be successful.” (Joshua 1:8 AMP)
If what God said worked for Joshua, it will work for me! (Say that out loud right now.)
Decide to keep the Word in your mouth. Need healing? Speak the scriptures on healing. Need money? Speak the scriptures on God’s provision. This is your new house – the house of health, the house of wealth, the house of peace.
Put doubt, unbelief, fear and anxiety in a trash bag and dump it!
Pack up the promises of God and take them with you everywhere you go. Like knick-knacks, put them before your eyes so that you are constantly reminded of God’s covenant with you.
Act on the Word. Get up and move! This means walking, praising, shouting, and rejoicing in the end results.
See yourself at your new location. What does it look like when your body is in health? How does it feel when you are able to tithe again, or give offerings?
The enclosed pamphlet will give you a good start to the new year. The declaration of faith is meant to be SAID OUT LOUD, so be sure to give voice to it!
In Christ,
Annette Capps
Click Here to view this month's teaching by Charles Capps, Prayer Confessions for the New Year.
- Annette Capps