Prayer Confessions for the New Year

Build a Foundation for the New Year
Everything we construct must have a foundation. The things that we believe become the cornerstones of our futures, so we must choose our foundations wisely. Build your foundation for the new year on God’s Word.
Seek Wisdom First
Proverbs 2:1-6
Trust God to Direct Your Steps and Keep You Healthy
Proverbs 3:5-10
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones. Honor God with Your Increase Honor the LORD with your possessions, And with the firstfruits of all your increase; So your barns will be filled with plenty, And your vats will overflow with new wine.
Keep God’s Word In Your Heart Continually
Proverbs 4:20-23
My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh. Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.
Act on God’s Word
Matthew 7:24-25
Declaration of Faith
- Father, because of Your Word I have the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God. So I covenant with You now to always give voice to Your Word. I will never give voice to the words of the enemy, I will give no place to the devil. But I give place to the Spirit of God. You have given the angels charge over me in all my ways and my way is the way of the Word.
- These things will surely come to pass for Your Word is within me. I am redeemed from the curse of the law. I’m delivered from the powers of darkness. I’m translated into the kingdom of the Son of God. The Greater One dwells in me, so I will not fail for Your Word is within me.
- Your Word will cause me to prevail. Even though a thousand may fall by my side and ten thousand at my right hand, it shall not come near me for You’ve given Your angels charge over me. They keep me in all my ways and in my pathway is life. My pathway is health. My pathway is prosperity, for Abraham’s blessings are mine!
- Christ redeemed me from poverty. He redeemed me from sickness. He redeemed me from spiritual death. Therefore, in the Name of Jesus I give voice to Your Word. I am the redeemed of the Lord and I’m saying so!
- I forbid any sickness or disease to operate in my body. I forbid any tumor or growth to exist in my body; it dissolves.
- Body, I am speaking to you! You come into line with the Word of God! I am delivered from growths and tumors. They have no right to exist. That which God has not planted is rooted out!
- Galatians 3:13 is in my mouth. Galatians 3:13 is flowing in my bloodstream. Galatians 3:13 flows to every cell of my body. Galatians 3:13 is forming itself in my body. The Word is becoming flesh, for You sent Your Word and healed me.
- So Your Word is now being formed in my body. It causes growths to disappear. It causes sicknesses to flee. It causes arthritis to disappear. My bones and joints function properly. Arthritis you MUST GO! Sickness you MUST FLEE! For the Spirit of God is upon me. The Word of God is within me. I will fear no evil for the Word of the Lord comforts me.
- Thus saith the Lord, I am far from oppression. Thus saith the Lord, fear does not come near me. Thus saith the Lord, no weapon formed against me will prosper, but whatever I do WILL PROSPER! I am the redeemed of the Lord. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and my righteousness is of God!
- Heavenly Father, I make a covenant with You to voice Your Word. The Spirit of Truth within me will guide me into all truths. He will teach me all things and show me what rightfully belongs to me. I proclaim the promises of God are mine now.
- I will walk in prosperity. I will walk in health for the Word of God is come into me. The Greater One is in me. The Greater One will put me over. I will NOT FAIL! I will not fear! I will not tremble when tragedy seems near, for Your Word will destroy the enemy’s work and will keep him far from my house.
- Even though many may fall by my side, I will proclaim Your Word. Evil will not come near me. I loose the angels now! I charge the angels with Your Words and the ministering spirits of God to garrison about my home, my family, my finances, and guide me into the wisdom of God. This shall be by the words of my mouth, by the Spirit of God, by the Word of God, and by the angels of God.
- Father, you keep me in perfect peace for my mind is stayed on You. Because of that, I’ll not enter the fight, but I’ll lift up my hands and rejoice! I will stand to the true height of Your Word, and I’ll not let It out of my sight. And I will NOT ENTER into the fight!
- For You will fight for me! The angels of God will work for me, and the Spirit of God within me shall reveal the hidden things.
- I confess now that I have perfect knowledge of every situation. I do not lack for the wisdom of God for I have the mind of Christ. The wisdom of God is formed within me, so I rejoice! The enemy is defeated! God is exalted and Your Word is Lord of my life!
- Father, I covenant with You to be what You say I am. Even though I don’t look like it, I may not act like it, I may not feel like it, but You said I was, so I must be the righteousness of God in Christ.
- I am an overcomer! I have overcome the enemy because the Greater One is in me! My faith is the victory that overcomes the world and it comes by Your Word. So I rejoice! I won’t weep in despair. I won’t wring my hands and weep in prayer.
- But I’ll come boldly to the Throne of Grace with rejoicing, my petition to bear. I’ll enter into the new way and I’ll speak the things that You say. And I’ll walk in victory and I’ll praise Your name and from this day I’ll never be the same.
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Want to know more about Confessing the Word of God over your life? Check out these Charles Capps Books:
The Tongue: A Creative Force (Paperback)