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Beverly Capps

Beverly Capps

Beverly CappsBeverly Ann Capps is the daughter of Author and Teacher Charles Capps and Peggy Capps of England, Arkansas. She has been born-again and Spirit filled since age 5.

She has been an ordained minister for 24 years, and was a Pastor for 20 of those years. All of Beverly's churches have been family oriented with a special emphasis on jail ministry. Well over 200 men and women were born again per year through the ministry at the David L. Moss Correctional Center in Tulsa. She began ministering to inmates in 1993 and ministered to both male and female inmates for over 10 years.

She has also ministered overseas in Germany, Austria, Australia, Switzerland, Bermuda, The Virgin Islands, Ireland, England, and Scotland as well as extensively in the United States. She continues itinerating in the U.S. and in foreign countries.

In addition, Beverly has been a foster parent to more than 50 precious children since 1991. Beverly and her family have seen tremendous miracles in the lives of these children, including one 3 month old baby who had 27 broken bones and a fractured skull when she began to care for him. Many of the infants she has ministered to were born addicted to illegal drugs.

Beverly is also a Physical Fitness Specialist. After losing 100 pounds herself, she has taken on the task of sharing her knowledge with others who might want to improve their physical health in addition to their spiritual well being. She is certified with the Cooper Institute in Dallas, Texas.

God is my Best Friend - Beverly Capps
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to view more information about her books and curriculum and view or print a full color catalog.

Beverly's insight into faith and trust in God and her ability to inspire your faith will greatly enhance your life as you listen to her practical teaching of God's Word directed by the anointing of the Holy Spirit! 

The presentation of the Gospel through the printed page has opened the doors for Beverly in many nations. She has 17 published children's books and Sunday School Curriculum for Babies and children through age 12. She currently has over 1 million books in print in five different languages and they are distributed worldwide.

For a complete list of books and curriculum by Beverly Capps click here,
you can also to Contact us or write for a brochure:

Beverly Capps
P.O. Box 69
England, Arkansas 72046