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Supernatural Manifestations of Ministering Spirits


Supernatural Manifestations of Ministering Spirits  
Prophecy given by Charles Capps November 27, 1980


   In the days to come, you are going to see supernatural manifestations of the ministering spirits of God throughout the nations of this world.

   You have already seen it in this nation. You have seen it in the [1980] election. You have seen it in the things that have turned about in the last few months in this nation.

   It has not come by chance. It has not come by some man. It has come supernaturally because My people have interceded. My people have spoken. My people have set things in motion by words and agreed with Me. They cooperated with the Spirit of God.

   I have moved mightily on the earth, and so shall I continue to move in this nation—not only this nation but in the nations of the world. There will come great and supernatural manifestations of the power through ministering spirits on the earth in the latter days.

   So begin now to look into the things I have shared in My Word, for they will come to the forefront in these days. They will come gradually—a little at a time, a little at a time here, and a little there. They will happen in this nation and that nation.

   There will come a great explosion of supernatural manifestations, and the ministering spirits shall minister supernaturally. Mighty battles shall be won because of the supernatural element.

   In the days to come, you will see it and know that it was of My Spirit and My Power. For I shall move mightily on the earth, and the nations of the world will stand in awe.

   For I am not through on this earth. I will bring forth the manifestation of My wisdom and My knowledge throughout this earth. And oh yes, there is going to be supernatural deliverance for people in the nations of the world, and you will see it.


   There will be some, it will look like there is no way out—that they will be totally destroyed, annihilated. But because of the supernatural intervention of the ministering spirits and supernatural deliverance, those governments will be changed. Nations will be changed.

   Governments will be moved upon throughout the nations of the world, and they will call for a prophet. “Send us someone who will teach us about these things we have seen. We don’t understand them, but we would desire to know more about them.”

   And the prophets will go, and they will prevail. And nations of the world will be changed. And places that looked like they would never come under the Gospel will be those that will promote the Gospel throughout the nations of the world. You will see it and know it, for I will perform it, saith the Lord.

   Don’t think it strange that these things have been reserved for the latter end. For you see, they came in days of old, and they came forth in many of the prophets of God.

   But you will see them in the days to come on a greater and a higher plain. For you see, I have saved the best for last. And My last move throughout the earth will marshal all the forces of the universe of the Spirit of God to work these things out. They will come forth.

   They will be busily about in this nation bringing forth the things that My people are interceding for. For your intercession has not gone unnoticed, saith the Lord. For you have already seen some of it come to pass. But you have only seen the tip of the iceberg that is about to rise and float to the surface and move throughout this nation and spread to other nations of the world.

   The mighty move of My Spirit shall bring the world to their knees, and they shall confess Jesus as Lord, for I shall move mightily, and nations of the world shall be changed. Revival shall sweep totally throughout the land because of things that will come to pass in these days, saith the Lord.



Where do I begin to comment on this profound word from the Lord? That the angels will play a tremendous part in the last days is without question once you have read the book of Revelation.

   The angels bring supernatural deliverance for the literal descendants of Abraham and those of us Gentiles who have been grafted in. Angels are called ministering spirits:

Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? Hebrews 1:14 KJV

   That they have been involved in the supernatural deliverance of Daniel from the lions’ den and Peter from prison shows us their involvement in the affairs of mankind.

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Psalms 91:11 KJV

   Angels are also loosed to bring judgment and destruction upon the wicked. Balaam was met by an angel with a sword who was sent to kill him.

   Angels play a part in putting people in positions of government and removing them at God’s direction.

   From this prophecy, it appears that there will be some outstanding supernatural occurrences from the ministry of angels in the end times. So what can we do to participate?

   Angels respond to words, so be sure that the words of your mouth are in agreement with God’s Word. Don’t start poor-mouthing and crying when you see outstanding acts take place. God is cleaning up the mess!

   Will you use your words and your prayers on behalf of those blinded by satan by using your authority to break the power of darkness over their lives?

   (For more information on angels, visit our website or any bookstore for Angels: Knowing Their Purpose, Releasing Their Power.)

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  • Charles Capps