Pass Over!

As I shared with my staff earlier today, the word for the day is “PASS OVER”. I want to encourage everyone to use these two words out loud or mentally when you hear the word "coronavirus" or "COVID-19."
Since this outbreak, I have continually heard words from Exodus 11:7 that, “the Lord makes a difference between you and the Egyptians." So what is the difference? Just as the Israelites, we have a covenant with God through the application of the blood of the lamb. We are MARKED! God said in Exodus 12:23 CJB “I will not allow the Slaughterer to enter your house and kill you.”
On the night that the plague of disease and death came, the Covenant people were told to stay inside their house, eat the PASSOVER lamb and place the mark on the doors of their houses, and Death would PASS OVER or SKIP their homes and families. So strong was this covenant of blood that God said there would not even be a dog growl against His people or their animals! (Please read this story in Exodus 11-12.)
Remind yourself of the blood covenant and God’s protection! I am saying, “PASS OVER!" I am writing the scripture references “EX 11:7”, “EX 12:23” and the word “PASS OVER” on my arm to remind me, and who cares if anyone I might encounter sees what appears to be a tattoo! My Dad used to write Gal 3:13 on the bottom of his foot. He said he put it on the bottom because that’s where the devil was...under his feet!
Capps Ministries staff is practicing the recommendations given and answering calls from home. Orders are being fulfilled and mail received, although there may be some short delays in shipping. We are praying for you and standing in faith and unity with you.
-Annette Capps
- Annette Capps