July 2021 Partner Letter

July 2021
Dear Partner,
A few days ago, I picked up my cell phone from the charger and the battery was almost dead. What a revolting development after charging all night! I immediately thought, “Oh no, my phone is going bad or I will have to have the battery replaced.” As I prayed in the Spirit getting ready for my day, my attention was drawn to the charging wire. I picked it up and it fell out of the socket. My phone didn’t charge because although the phone was connected to the wire, the other end had come loose.
All that power — and nothing was connected to it. I thought it was connected and I believed it was plugged in, but there was an incomplete connection and no flow of energy.
There are other things that can hinder the flow of energy: a short circuit, a damaged wall outlet, a blown breaker.
Activating the power of God in your body requires a good connection to the source of power. We make that connection with our hope first, secondly faith, and then action.
The woman in Mark 5:25-34 made a direct connection to that power and was healed. “She had heard about Jesus, so she came up behind him through the crowd and touched his robe. For she thought to herself, ‘If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.” (Mark 5:27-28 NLT)
Not only did she know that she received the flow of healing energy, but so did Jesus. “Jesus realized at once that healing power had gone out from him, so he turned around in the crowd and asked, ‘Who touched my robe?” (Mark 5:30 NLT)
She heard of Jesus and that created hope. Hope opened the door for faith and faith caused her to act. Now every healing is different, but all have the 3 ingredients of hope, faith, then action.
There are also things that can short circuit the power and although the power of God is present to heal and God desires healing for His children; unforgiveness, strife, resentment and unbelief will prevent a flow of power. This is where people misunderstand and think God doesn’t want to heal them. Nothing is further from the truth. Isn’t it interesting that when the power doesn’t flow and healing doesn’t come, some think it is God’s fault, not ours? What if we have failed to cleanse ourselves of unforgiveness, strife or contention and there is hindrance in the connection to the source?
I blamed my phone, it was at fault; I plugged it in! But I didn’t make a good connection. Before you make that demand on God’s healing power, check all the circuits. Then come in full faith and connect to His compassionate, tangible, healing anointing!
In Christ,
Annette Capps
Click Here to view this month's teaching, "Activating God's Power in Your Body."
- Annette Capps