August 2021 Partner Letter

August 2021
When most people think of a Biblical “shield of faith,” they picture the shield from Roman times which is what the Apostle Paul would have been thinking of when he admonished the church at Ephesus to put on the whole armor of God. The shield, sword, and helmet of Ephesians 6:10-18 are indicating a march into battle. When using this image of me holding the shield in front of me, I ran into a problem at night when I was asleep. How can I hold a shield of faith for protection when I am asleep???
Sometimes the enemy tries to take advantage of the night time to bring forth thoughts of fear, anxiety, and worry. These thoughts can be addressed in the day time hours by resisting them, refusing to think upon them, and speaking God’s Word. Even soldiers must sleep, so how did David sleep soundly when Saul was out to kill him?
At night, I open my Bible to the page showing Psalm chapters 3,4,5. Underlined is Psalm 3:5 “I lay down and sleep; I awake again for the Lord sustains me.” Psalm 4:8, “In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You Lord, alone make me dwell in safety...”
Psalm 5:11-12 AMPC says, “...let them sing and shout for joy, because You make a covering over them and defend them...” “ with a shield You will surround him with good will (pleasure and favor).”
I see myself surrounded by a mighty shield generated by the power of God, activated by my faith in His promises and my speaking what He said. A few years ago, I began confessing and meditating on these scriptures. Then I went to Psalm 91 and declared, “I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and I abide under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no foe can withstand. A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but it will not come near me. His angels bear me up in their hands lest I dash my foot on a stone. I am surrounded by God’s presence above me, around me on all sides and from below. He hovers over me, covers me, and defends me!”
This is truly engulfed in God’s protection. You can go even further with Psalm 91. Moses says in verse 4 that he covers you with His feathers and under His wings you trust. Have you ever seen a chicken with her chicks hidden safely beneath her wings? These are the sort of images we need to live with and go to sleep with!
What images are playing in your mind? How can you envision the shield of faith in your life? Strengthen those images based on the images created by the scriptures and God’s peace will rule your life!
In Christ,
Annette Capps
Click Here to read this month's teaching, Strengthening the Shield of Faith.
- Annette Capps