Grace is God’s Willingness

December 2023
Have you ever needed favor? Or have you ever needed someone to do you a favor? Well, I certainly have, and it was a real surprise to me when I discovered that the word favor and grace originates from the same word in the New Testament. They both come from the root word “charis” which is translated both grace and favor. Although I associate grace with a very spiritual meaning, favor is understood in the natural realm more easily. If I am favored by someone, I am elevated to a higher status in their eyes, and they will do what it takes to help me.
Dad says in the enclosed pamphlet, “Grace is God’s willingness…” Well, if I am favored by someone, they are willing to help me.
The first mention of the word “favor” in the New Testament is in Luke chapter 1:28,30 when Gabriel appeared to Mary:
“Greetings, you who are highly favored!”
“Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God.”
Had she been praying for favor? Praying for her own salvation or deliverance? Or perhaps praying for the Messiah to come? We do not have these details but all of them are possible. Nevertheless, the angel Gabriel declared that she had favor with God. God was willing to help her… not only help her but the entire world through her! When you receive the favor and grace of God, it not only blesses and helps you, but everyone around you!
Because of Christ Jesus, God’s gift to the world, we are His children. We are His heirs. We are favored by Him. We are not favored because of what we do or have done. We have this gift of grace, gift of favor because He was willing to give us everything He has in His Son, and we became His rightful heirs. What a gift!
Do you need favor in your life today? Are you struggling with outside forces that are showing you no mercy? I have good news. You enter into the spiritual force of favor by faith. God is willing to help you, and there is no work you need to do to obtain it. Just cast your care on the Lord and claim His grace and favor. I love Psalm 5:12 and declare it over my life and Capps Ministries. I recommend you do so also: “You Lord surround me with favor as a shield. Everywhere I go, favor goes before me, behind me, and beside me. I am highly favored.”
My prayer is that you experience God’s grace and favor this holiday season. Lay hold of His favor by faith and receive hope, encouragement, and His abundant blessings!
In Christ,
Annette Capps
Click Here to view this month's teaching by Annette Capps, Grace Through Faith
- Annette Capps