God Protects His Own!

December 2024
The opposite of fear is COURAGE – CONFIDENCE – CALMNESS. My dad often said that the greatest enemy to faith is the lack of knowledge.
Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” Fear is also a destroyer, and fear comes from a lack of knowledge.
I remember a friend who was terribly afraid of flying. When she found out that I was a pilot, she said, “I would never, ever get in that airplane!” But over a period of time she became curious, and I began to teach her about how airplanes work and what happens in flight. First, she got in my airplane and sat as I showed her the controls. A week or so later, she allowed me to start the engine and taxi to the fuel tanks. Then, the big day came! Liftoff! She loved it and flew on several trips with me.
Fearful thoughts and lack of knowledge prevented her from experiencing the joy of flight. Once she understood, she had the courage to get in the airplane, the confidence that it would not just “fall out of the sky” and she was calm and enjoyed the flight.
When people express fear of the end time, I know that their knowledge is not complete. Yes, there will be fearful things that will take place, but the fact is that God will be protecting His own. Do you belong to Jesus? If so, then you can have courage when others’ hearts are pounding; you can be confident knowing Jesus is the pilot and you are safe with Him. Don’t mistake anticipation and alertness for fear. You can be excited about the coming of the Lord and still wonder how that will happen and when!
God has provided a way of escape from the darkness and destruction coming upon the earth. Just as God preserved Noah and his family, God will deliver us, His children. Our faith and trust are in Him.
Psalm 27:3
In Christ,
Annette Capps
Click Here to view this month's teaching by Charles Capps, Have NO Fear! Jesus is Here!
- Amanda Halcomb