Have NO Fear! Jesus is Here!

Have NO Fear! Jesus is Here!
by Annette Capps
There is widespread fear and anxiety on the earth today as we are in a once in a thousand year change of the ages. We are in a time period where there is a shift and a change of great contrast. On the one hand, darkness and deception has increased bringing the world to a time of crisis. On the other hand, we are only short years away from the Millennial Reign of Christ here on earth, when the lamb and the lion will lie down together peacefully. Before that happens, there will be great trouble and great triumph. Great trouble for the unbelieving world and the Jewish people, but for the believers in Jesus Christ, it is a time of good news and great rejoicing! As Noah escaped the flood at the command of God, the believer will be removed and escape this seven year vortex of wickedness and violence.
Throughout history, when a shift like this was coming, God revealed Himself as faithful to preserve and protect His people. He loves us. We are His family. The judgment of this world is NOT for His family, but HIS ENEMIES!
Jesus was and is the Light of the world, the Messiah, the Savior, and when He appeared the first time, the words of the angel sent from God were these, “Fear not! Have no fear!”
The Word to Mary, the mother of Jesus was, “Have no fear! The Messiah (Jesus) is here!”
The Word to Joseph was, “Have no fear! The Messiah (Jesus) is here!”
The Word to the Shepherds was, “Have no fear! The Messiah (Jesus) is here!”
To the Shepherds, the angel said, “I bring GOOD NEWS of GREAT JOY!”
The last shift was two thousand years ago, and what a change! Preceding this shift, God sent John the Baptist to prepare the way. The announcement preceding his birth was GOOD NEWS, as he prepared the way for the Messiah.
Jesus’ Ministry on Earth
Whether you study the ministry of Jesus on earth closely or from afar off, it was GOOD NEWS and He brought GREAT JOY to everyone. No matter what the problem was, sickness, death, disease or demon possession, when Jesus showed up there were bound to be shouts of “Have no fear! Jesus is here!” Because wherever He showed up, He made things right. Acts 10:38 tells us that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil.
Do you ever read anywhere in the New Testament “Be afraid! Be very afraid! Jesus is here!”??? Of course not! No one had ever brought words of hope and healing as this man. No one had performed the miracles He performed on behalf of humanity. Ask Jairus.
Jairus asked Jesus to come to his house because his daughter was at the point of death. Jesus agreed, but on the way, they were interrupted by the woman with the issue of blood. The time it took for this scene to play out could have been the difference between Jesus arriving in time to heal her and her dying due to the delay. What did Jesus say?
Fear Not!
This was a life altering circumstance! As is always the case in the loss of a child, Jairus was about to face the fulfillment of his worst fear. A child should live beyond the parent!
Have No Fear! Jesus is Here!
And Jesus raised her up from her deathbed.
Are you facing a life altering circumstance in your life?
Have No Fear! Jesus is Here!
Life Threatening Events
In Matthew chapter 14, Jesus told His disciples to get in the boat and go to the other side of the lake, however a storm arose which was life threatening. As the waves tossed the boat and threatened to sink it, Jesus appears to them walking on the water. Since it was in the early hours of the morning before dawn, they thought they were seeing a ghost! Doesn’t it seem that fear often attacks during the dark? Particularly at 3:00 in the morning when life forces are low?
What did Jesus say to them as they were not only frightened by the storm, but now what they perceived was a ghost? He said, “Take courage! It is I! Be not afraid!” (from Greek) In other words:
Have No Fear! Jesus is Here!
The apostle Paul also faced a life threatening event aboard a ship. He was also facing a life altering change in his life as he was a prisoner headed to appeal before the head of the Roman government. And what was the word of the Lord to Paul through an angel? “Fear not Paul! You must be brought before Caesar! Your life will be saved as well as those with you.” In other words:
Have No Fear! Jesus is Here!
I think I have made my point and you can look in the Word of God for yourself. Everywhere Jesus went, He relieved fear and brought great joy!
End Time Events
o now let’s shift back to our current situation. The world economic and political situation is explosive. The terrorist attack on Israel and the nations turning against God’s people have unleashed hatred and genocidal policies. Please realize that the axis of powers against Israel view them as the “little satan” who must be destroyed and wiped off the face of the earth. Guess who the “big satan” is? The United States and western civilization in general. You do not have to be a Biblical scholar or expert in eschatology to understand what a huge problem this is.
Have No Fear! Jesus is Here!
While many people are living in fear, you and I have an assurance as part of God’s family. If Jesus was standing next to you, would you feel safe? Of course you would! Well, He is not only standing beside you, He is in you, surrounding you with His angels. He protects His own!
Not only does He protect you, He delivers you! (Read Psalm 91)
When we talk about the End Time, for some reason people become fearful. It certainly is a time of anticipation because we are living in the shift between the ages and comparatively few people have historically lived in these moments. The difference is that we face this moment in time with the presence of Jesus the Messiah waiting at the door for us. We face this moment in time with the Holy Spirit dwelling on the inside of us. In six thousand years, we are the only generation that will corporately be removed from the earth to escape the tribulation.
Have No Fear! Jesus is Here!
Jesus is coming back for us! I am amazed at the number of people who are fearful of the coming of the Lord to catch away His Church. This is a glorious thing, not a fearful one! The church at Thessalonica was also fearful. Let’s read and understand what the Apostle Paul said to them: “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 ESV)
Paul gave this good news to the church at Thessalonica who had received some false teaching that the day of the Lord had already happened, and they had nothing to look forward to but more misery on earth. However, Paul describes in detail what is going to happen:
- The Lord Jesus will descend in the same manner He ascended in. (Acts 1:11)
- There will be a loud sound that will wake the dead! They will rise from the grave.
- We that are alive when this happens will also ascend and join Christ and the resurrected ones.
Paul says, “Comfort and encourage one another with these words.”
How does it get any better than that? You are reunited with family and friends that have passed on and you join your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ never to be separated again! I don’t pretend to have all the answers of how this will happen, but one thing I do know is that it will happen. Just like Noah and his family floated above the destruction and judgement, God is going to deliver us from destruction.
Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:9 that God has not destined us for wrath. His wrath is not poured out on us, His redeemed, but on the ungodly. So, when Jesus appears, we can truly have NO FEAR!
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