Parallel Plane of the Spirit World

Are you aware that there are multitudes of angels surrounding us right now? Don’t be discouraged by what things “look like,” and don’t allow yourself to fall into the trap of fear by asking, “what if?” God has abundant resources and plenty of unseen troops that are here on earth now. There are more with us than there are with the enemy.
Only one third of the angels chose to follow Lucifer. That leaves two thirds still serving God! How blessed we are to be on the winning side!
Wherever you are today and whatever you are facing in your life, ask the Holy Spirit to give you insight, so that you can see the true cause of the problems. I will give you a hint, it’s not God. God is a God of peace.
If you look at these scriptures you will see that God, Who is the author of peace, is GREATER than the god of confusion, and He will crush satan. Whatever your problems, write them on a piece of paper and put your heel on it and grind it under your foot. Declare, “In Jesus name, I have been given authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt me!” (Luke 10:19)
By taking ACTION on your faith in the Word of God and DECLARING it with your mouth, you have become a DOER of the Word. Jesus said if you are a doer of the Word, you have built your house on a rock and you will be blessed.
Finally, there may be many evil spirits in this world, but there are more angels than devils. So don’t let the enemy’s propaganda of fear and lies get to you. Satan is a liar from the beginning and truth is only in Jesus Christ. His words are spirit and life, so listen to God’s Word and stand strong in the Lord!
God Bless You,
Annette Capps
Click Here to view this month's teaching, Parallel Plane of the Spirit World.
- Annette Capps