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July 2019 - Letter From Annette

                                                                                              July 2019

Dear Partner,

      I was led of the Spirit to write this month’s pamphlet on the topic of giving.  When I am being led to do something, it just seems to flow... and it did.  As I was writing, my mind was also talking to me.  You see, I am very aware that because of some things that have happened such as excessive talk and excessive pleas for money from some preachers, many Christians turned away and rejected the principles of giving and receiving.

      While I certainly empathize with those who have been offended by this and understand why it is offensive, the Biblical principles of sowing and reaping, and the blessing of tithing are still true; regardless of the actions of others.

      I ask you to read this pamphlet with an open mind.  This is NOT AN APPEAL for money.  It is the Holy Spirit who should be directing your giving and tithing, not me!

      This message was written in love with great appreciation for what I learned from my Dad as a child about honoring God with my substance and the firstfruits of my increase.  I truly want those who may not have had the same upbringing I did to understand what a joy and privilege it is to be a giver.

      I learned to tithe because I was instructed in the Word using Malachi 3:10, “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse...”  I tithed because I loved God and that was all I knew.  None of us at that point knew God cared about any area of our life except salvation and going to heaven.  It was nearly 15 years later before my family learned that God wanted to increase our seed sown and bless us financially as well as spiritually and physically.  Once we began to believe the rest of what God said about rebuking the devourer and opening the windows of heaven, the blessings began slowly flowing into our lives.

     God is not interested in “taking your money.”  God is interested in your soul and what happens to you when you acknowledge Him with a small percentage of your currency.  As with any other spiritual principle, you tithe in faith believing if you do your part, God will do His part!

     To those who support us, I am very grateful and honored.  But if you do not have anything to give or choose not to, we still want to bless you with the teaching of the Word.  Thank you for your hunger for the revelation knowledge of God’s Word and participating in getting the Good News to others in need!  

God Bless You,

Annette Capps