Healing in the Latter Days

Healing in the Latter Days
Prophecy given by Charles Capps
Joplin, Missouri—1979
My anointing shall flow in the area of healing in the latter days beyond what it has in days before. The cloud of My glory shall be seen in the midst of meetings such as this. And it will be so that whole multitudes will fall prostrate and be healed, every one (of) all diseases and sicknesses.
Oh, it will begin to be small at first, here and there. You’ll hear it here and you’ll hear it there, but it’ll grow and it’ll multiply. And it’ll come because the Word of Knowledge and the Word of Wisdom, and the principles of My Word are being taught throughout the earth.
For you see, when the knowledge of My Word comes forth in revelation, it releases My ability in the earth. And things that have not happened in days past will surely come to pass in your generation.
It would have been in days of old, but this knowledge had not come forth in that day. It has been released in this day, for this is the day that I have chosen to reveal Myself in the midst of a nation, in the midst of a world when it is populated and saturated beyond the point of which it has been in any time in history.
So shall it be brought forth in your generation for the knowledge of My Word shall come alive. It will come as revelation and light beams from the throne of God to the hearts of men anointed to teach the Word of God.
They will stand before whole congregations and diagram as it were spiritual equations, by the Spirit to bring forth the revelation into the hearts of men.
And as it comes forth, there shall be action on those principles of truth. Know and walk in those principles of truth. Knowledge of my Word shall flow and so shall your wisdom grow. My people shall know and walk in this, and in these days shall you shall see mighty manifestations of My power in the earth.
For I am the Lord God that healeth thee and brings forth the manifestation of My power. Lift up your heads and rejoice. Don’t reach to the regions below or look to this side or to that side.
But lift up your heads and look unto Me and rejoice, for My power is in the midst of thee to perform in the earth. And you shall see it. This generation shall be blessed by the anointing that shall flow in the earth.
The prophets of old have desired to see it. They prophesied of it in your day but they have not seen it. But you shall see it. So LIFT UP YOUR HEADS AND REJOICE!
As seen in our 3rd Qtr 2024 Newsletter
- Charles Capps