The Word Enlightens Us

July 2024
In this world of spiritual darkness, you are the light that shines! I know sometimes it feels as if the darkness is so great that everyone will be engulfed in it, but this is not true. This is only a lie and a deception, because those born of the Spirit have the light of life and nothing can put that light out.
A few nights ago we had severe thunderstorms and tornados here in Oklahoma. When I woke up to the weather sirens it was pitch black, but the minute I turned on my little flashlight, the darkness in the room receded and I could make my way to the LIGHT SWITCH and all the darkness in the room FLED. Where did it go? The light overcame the darkness. (We were untouched by the storms – Psalm 91!)
One of my favorite scriptures that my grandmother taught me talks about that light.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105 KJV
Just like that little flashlight made the darkness recede, when we charge our batteries with the Word of God, our light shines brighter. That Word enlightens us, enlightens our minds, and enlightens the path before us and even shines on others.
It doesn’t matter how dark it gets out there, the light from within us is constantly driving back the darkness everywhere we go. During one of our recent Chapel Services, the Holy Spirit gave me the phrase:
“While we remain, we restrain. When we return, we reign.”
We, the body of Christ, with our lights turned on, are the restraining force that is preventing the antichrist himself from being revealed. If the world is this dark right now, I can’t imagine what it will be like when all the light is removed from this place after the rapture of the church. Until then…we let our light shine brightly.
Would you see yourself as light pushing back darkness when you go to the grocery store, the gas station, or the doctor’s office???? Because, Christ in you is not only the hope of glory (brightness), but He is the light shining through YOU. Do not underestimate the power of Christ that is operative IN YOU. See yourself as God sees you and radiate everywhere you go!
In Christ,
Annette Capps
Click Here to view this month's teaching by Charles Capps, Light Shines Out of Darkness
- Annette Capps