Stay Alert!

October 2023
I recently ministered at Faith Builders Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. Since I was born and raised in Arkansas, I looked forward to the trip, and at the same time braced myself spiritually because I was familiar with the ruling spirits over that geographic area.
I am referring to the principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness, and wicked spirits in heavenly places that Paul referred to in Ephesians 6:12. As I drove, I prayed in tongues most of the way, praying for the church and the message God had placed in my heart, which was about satan and his angels.
None of us really want to talk about satan and his evil works, especially if you believe in the power of words. Who wants to glorify what satan is doing? But the Holy Spirit reminded me that we need to be aware of the enemy and his tactics.
2 Corinthians 2:11 says (from the Greek), “in order that satan should not outwit us, for we are not unaware of his schemes.” The King James Version says, “Lest satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”
Being unaware of danger is a trap. If we familiarize ourselves with his set of tools and schemes, we will recognize danger and move around it with the Holy Spirit guiding our steps.
Stay alert! Listen to the Holy Spirit! Feed your spirit on the Word! It is so much easier to avoid a trap than to get out of one.
Always approach the enemy from a position of power. Do you know your position? Ephesians 2:6 says you have been raised up together with Him and made to sit together with Him in heavenly places. Our position in Christ is far above all principalities and powers, and we are always in a position of Victory!
In Christ,
Annette Capps
P.S- We have a great meeting in Little Rock!
Click Here to view this month's teaching by Annette Capps, Agents of Two Kingdoms.
- Annette Capps