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Stand Against Wickedness and Pray!

Stand Against Wickedness and Pray!

October 2024

   There has never been a time in my life when I have been so utterly convinced that we as believers in Christ must stand our ground IN PRAYER. Prayer has always been a part of my life, and growing up in church I learned about prayer in Sunday School. At each meal, we prayed and acknowledged God and gave thanks, whether at my grandparents’ house (both sets were believing Christians) or in a restaurant.

   These types of prayers set the basis of my life, and I still recall spending the night with my Grandmother Capps who ALWAYS prayed before going to bed and when I stayed at her house, I knelt with her and said my prayers also.

   Prayer is a good habit. But the kind of prayer I want to address is corporate prayer or the joint prayers of the church, the body of Christ. My spirit tells me, by the Holy Spirit, that this is the time that we as believers must enter into the anointing of Elijah and stand against wickedness in every form, whether it is wickedness and evil in our government, our schools, our state, the media, or foreign nations who wish to destroy America from within.

   We cannot sit idly by and hope that God intervenes. God intervenes when we pray and petition Him to move.

   “…the heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man…” (James 5:16b-18 AMPC)

   The power to change things lies in our mouths as we stand before the God of the universe and petition him to, “Deliver us from evil! Deliver us from evil in our governments, in our states, in our schools, and deliver us from the evil of drug cartels invading our nation. Your Will, Plan, and Purpose, be done in this earth, in this state, in this city, in this nation. We petition this on the authority of the name of Jesus and the blood of the Covenant!”

   Will you enter into the anointing of Elijah and pray this prayer with me? Although I am writing this letter on July 20, I know it is appropriate for the month in which you are receiving it.

   Stand with me in prayer for this nation. Pray the above prayer and pray in the Spirit, in tongues. By doing so you are speaking the mysteries and the wisdom of God. And you are certainly praying the perfect WILL, PLAN, and PURPOSE of God! 

In Christ,

Annette Capps


Click Here to view this month's teaching by Annette Capps, The Prayer of Petition

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