Safety and Security in God

March 2024
I have a very special message for you this month that God has placed upon my heart. God cares about you so much that He often gives me specific messages to comfort and encourage your heart.
There are teachings from the Word that we all benefit from, and then there are messages from the heart of the Father. I believe this message, “Strongholds of Safety,” is a timely word for the body of Christ right now.
Whatever we face in life, our safety and security are in God. It is not in our own ability, but in the magnitude of God’s strength. Because He is our Rock and our Fortress, we can dwell safely even when the world around us is experiencing the storms and tempests of destruction.
“For you are my rock and my fortress; and for your name’s sake you lead me and guide me…” Psalm 31:3
There is a time to hide yourself in God and wait for the storm to pass. There is also a time to come out and soundly defeat the enemy in the name of the Lord. The only way to know whether to ADVANCE or RETREAT is to enquire of the Lord and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. David said in the above scripture, “…for your name’s sake you lead me and guide me.”
Whatever is happening in your life right now, you should ALWAYS inquire of the Lord for HIS DIRECTION. When you follow His guidance you will always be safe in His STRONGHOLD of SAFETY!
I once had a dream that I was snow skiing on a very high mountain. As I gained speed going down the mountain, I could hear the “scritch, scritch” of my skis as I zig-zagged on the snow-covered surface. Suddenly, the snow began to fall away as an avalanche broke loose. I quickly turned left toward what appeared to be a more solid surface when a voice told me to launch myself off the cliff to my right. Although it looked like sure disaster, I did what I was told and landed safely below just as the “solid” surface to my left collapsed down the mountain. The voice then said, “Choosing the safe way is not always safe.”
I have never forgotten that! The only safe way through life is following the leading of the Master. I pray you will attune yourself to His voice. He will guide you to safety.
In Christ,
Annette Capps
Click Here to view this month's teaching by Annette Capps, Strongholds of Safety
- Annette Capps