October Partner Letter

October 2019
Dear Partner,
When I was a young teenager growing up in England, Arkansas, my Dad not only taught Sunday School, he went to other churches and taught people how to witness to others and win them to Christ. He had an interesting presentation of the tools of evangelism – different ways to open the subject and talk to people. There are things you can say to open the door and things you can say that make people close the door to what you have to say.
Around the same time, there was another group teaching evangelism and their first question was, “Do you know that God has a plan for your life?”
Think about that. Does God have a plan for your life? If so, what is it? Most people think of specifics: He plans for me to be a teacher. His plan is for me to go to school and become a doctor. He plans for me to marry and have 2 children.
Well, those things are ok, but let’s look at a broader perspective, that is, the end result.
Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
Whatever you are doing in life, God’s plan for your life is peace, health and well-being. Yes, disaster happens in this life but it is not God’s plan for you. God’s plan is life and life more abundantly. You must stand on His Word and His Promises, resist the plans of the enemy and put them to nothing. Why do bad things happen? Because the enemy of God wants to destroy His creation. Peace reigned in the Garden until Adam and Eve gave their authority over to the enemy. Don’t give yours away.
The next time bad things try to manifest in your life, ask, “What is God’s plan for my life?” Then, read Jeremiah 29:11 again and again until it is in your heart and you are rejoicing! Good things are in store for you. Don’t believe anything else.
God Bless You,
Annette Capps
Click Here to view this month's teaching "Why Bad & Good Things Happen"
- Annette Capps