God is More Than Enough

March 2023
At our ministry office in Broken Arrow, OK, the ministry staff and I come together each Monday at 11:00 a.m. for Chapel Services. During this one hour, we focus on what the Holy Spirit is saying to us, recommit ourselves to the mission God has given us, and we pray for you our partners. We set ourselves in agreement with you for all the needs you may have to be met by God’s Divine Solution.
“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19 NKJV
Jesus said it, I believe it, and THAT SETTLES IT! It will be done.
I have been teaching a message on most Mondays and recently the Holy Spirit has kept me on the subject of God’s Economy vs The Economy of Chaos. Although the world’s system is based on money, God’s economy is based on His provision. He has already given unto us “all things that pertain to life and godliness.” (2 Peter 1:3) However, we must shift our consciousness from money to provision. While humans have focused on, sought, and become obsessed with money, the real provision of God is not necessarily attached to money.
- When Jesus asked Phillip where they could buy bread to provide food for five thousand (John 6), how much money did it cost? $0
- How much money did the leper Naaman (2 Kings 5) spend to be healed $0
- What were the travel expense for Phillip to go from the desert (Acts 8:40) to Azotus? $0
So let’s change our thought patterns from the world’s economy of chaos to the unlimited provisions of the Creator. I believe the time has come that we must rely upon and look to God as our Source — Not the government, not retirement accounts, not jobs. These things can be helpful and a blessing, but GOD IS OUR TRUE SOURCE, and He requires no money to feed 5000 people, heal deadly diseases, or get you where you need to be.
Can we turn our eyes away from the chaos and limitations of the world’s monetary system and look at Jesus, our Good Shepherd who provides for His sheep. “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not lack.” (Psalm 23) Can we look upon the God of Abraham, Jehovah-Jireh, the God Who Provides? Say out loud, “Yes! I will put my trust in God my Provider! He is my Source of provision for all I need!”
If you would like an audio or video copy of these Chapel Services on God’s Economy vs the Economy of Chaos, we are now offering them to our partners. (I also encourage you to spend 7 days reading the enclosed pamphlet and studying the scripture references for each story.)
We love you and are praying for you. God is More Than Enough.
In Christ,
Annette Capps
Click Here to view this month's teaching by Charles Capps, Faith for God's Opportunities & Provisions.
- Annette Capps