December Partner Letter

December 2019
Dear Partner,
Angels are present on earth as you read this letter. Even though you don’t see them, they are busy about their work bringing about God’s plan. Sometimes I have seen them in just wispy glimpses, moving about. They are active always, attempting to get you in the right place at the right time. They want what God wants for you. God’s plan for you is to not only bless your life but also use your life to bless others.
Are angels always successful? I believe they do everything that they can, but they require your cooperation. God said that if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land. (Isaiah 1:19) If you are willing and open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and have committed your life to doing whatever God’s plan is, the angels have more to work with than if you are resisting God at every turn, complaining and voicing negativity. And…I am sorry to say that all of us, including me, have whined about change.
What if the change that is happening (that you are complaining about) will be the very thing that opens a new door for you? There are many beginnings and endings in life; seasons such as beginning a new job, raising children, the beginnings of a friendship or marriage. But children grow up, companies change ownership, and sometimes friends move away.
When these things end or change, for whatever reason, the angels are available to help move us into a new season in our lives. If we add our faith for “something even better than before” then we give the angels authority to act on our words and move us into the greater blessings.
When the angel, Gabriel, was sent to Mary with a message from God that would not only change her life, but the whole world, he was not met with resistance to change. Mary accepted and received this word from her Creator and angels were involved in every aspect of Mary, Joseph and Jesus’ life to bring about the fulfillment of the plan of God.
Today, the plan of God continues through our lives because we are His body on the earth. The Holy Spirit lives and walks in you! Are you willing to cooperate with Him and allow the angels to assist you in fulfilling God’s plan through you?
I pray that God’s Presence will overshadow you this season.
God Bless You,
Annette Capps
Click Here to view this month's teaching "Angels - Ministering Spirits"
- Annette Capps