Are you seeking your guidance from the Lord?

August 2022
If I had only one message for the born again believer, it would be this one, “How to Follow the Guidance of the Holy Spirit”; and that is the message in this month’s pamphlet.
You see, the Holy Spirit is inside us, He dwells in us, and with us. In other words, He is always present to help us make any decision or face any circumstance in life. This is an inward guidance system. Even if you were locked away from your Bible for months, the Holy Spirit would bring scriptures to your remembrance. If you faced an urgent situation and had to do something NOW with no one to consult, the Counselor dwells within and is available 24/7 with no appointment.
I do know that sometimes even Christians look to the outside realm for answers by seeking guidance from something besides the written Word and indwelling Spirit. This is dangerous. Seeking supernatural manifestations, or personal prophecies for directions is gambling at least. We are told to rely on the Spirit, not signs and wonders. (Personal prophecies are generally given ONLY for confirmation of what God has put in your spirit.) I shouldn’t have to say this, but calling a psychic or fortune-teller is an entrance into the realm of satan, which the Bible expressly forbids. (Deuteronomy 18:10-13) And yes, there are believers who have done this.
When you are desperate and seeking an answer, the enemy can lead you down the wrong path. That is why it is important to seek answers in the Word, pray in the Spirit, and follow the inward witness. These are the ONLY SAFE AVENUES where the Christian should seek guidance.
King Saul was desperate for direction and went to a medium for guidance and the sad end of that story is told in 1 Chronicles 10:13-14 ESV:
“So Saul died for his breach of faith. He broke faith with the LORD in that he did not keep the command of the LORD, and also consulted a medium, seeking guidance. He did not seek guidance from the LORD.”
Are you seeking your guidance from the Lord? I sure am. He is the only one who has the answers and the TRUTH! Please carefully read this pamphlet and pass it on to someone else. Thank you for standing with me and for this ministry to reach those who desperately need to hear.
In Christ,
Annette Capps
Click Here to view this month's teaching, Guidance Of The Holy Spirit Part 1.
- Annette Capps